common asthma triggers

Tips for Managing Common Asthma Triggers


If you or your child have asthma, you probably know the feeling all too well: you're doing fine—and then you encounter something that sets off your symptoms. Suddenly, you're wheezing, short of breath, and reaching for your asthma inhaler.


Whether it’s the cold weather, pet dander, or a cold or the flu, people react differently to asthma triggers. Below are several common and seasonal triggers, along with practical tips for reducing you or your child’s exposure to them.

Allergic triggers


When you or your child have allergies, the same substances that can cause an allergic reaction may also set off asthma symptoms as well. Examples of allergic triggers include:

  • Pollen and outdoor mold: Check the weather report for the pollen and mold count. When it's high, keep the windows of your home and car closed. Consider running the air conditioner, which helps clean the air. If you or your child is spending time outside, shower and change clothes as soon as you or your child returns indoors.
  • Indoor mold: Mold can grow in damp places like bathrooms and kitchens where condensation tends to accumulate. Leaks and poor ventilation are also frequent culprits. To improve the indoor air quality of your home, aim to keep humidity levels below 50%. Use exhaust fans and, on days with good air quality, open windows and doors to improve ventilation.
  •  Dust mites: Encase pillows and mattresses in allergen-proof covers, and wash bedding in hot water every week. Vacuum carpets well. If your child has asthma, wash their stuffed animals regularly.
  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches can infest even a clean home. To help keep them away, store food in airtight containers. Remove pet food dishes after your pet eats. Use a lidded garbage can.
  • Furry pets: Do you share your home with a dog or cat? Keep it out of you or your child’s bedroom and vacuum frequently. If you have a small furry pet, such as a hamster or guinea pig, ask someone else to clean the cage.


Allergic triggers


When you or your child have allergies, the same substances that can cause an allergic reaction may also set off asthma symptoms as well. Examples of allergic triggers include:

  • Pollen and outdoor mold: Check the weather report for the pollen and mold count. When it's high, keep the windows of your home and car closed. Consider running the air conditioner, which helps clean the air. If you or your child is spending time outside, shower and change clothes as soon as you or your child returns indoors.

  • Pollen and outdoor mold: Check the weather report for the pollen and mold count. When it's high, keep the windows of your home and car closed. Consider running the air conditioner, which helps clean the air. If you or your child is spending time outside, shower and change clothes as soon as you or your child returns indoors.

  • Dust mites: Encase pillows and mattresses in allergen-proof covers, and wash bedding in hot water every week. Vacuum carpets well. If your child has asthma, wash their stuffed animals regularly.


  • Cockroaches: Cockroaches can infest even a clean home. To help keep them away, store food in airtight containers. Remove pet food dishes after your pet eats. Use a lidded garbage can.

  • Furry pets: Do you share your home with a dog or cat? Keep it out of you or your child’s bedroom and vacuum frequently. If you have a small furry pet, such as a hamster or guinea pig, ask someone else to clean the cage.

girl with a dog

Other triggers:  


Other things that may irritate you or your child’s airways and trigger asthma include:

man looking out of the window

  • Air pollution: Check the Air Quality Index for your area. On cold winter days, pollution can be particularly triggering if cold air also tends to exacerbate you or your child’s asthma symptoms. In summer months, pollution may also trigger symptoms, so limit outdoor activity when the air quality is poor.2 Traffic-related pollution is particularly harmful for people with asthma, so avoid rush hour, if possible.

throwing wood in the fireplace

  • Wood smoke: Burning wood gives off particles that can increase inflammation in the airways.3 If you use a fireplace or wood-burning stove, burn only dry, seasoned wood. Have your chimney cleaned or stove inspected every year by a certified professional.

father and a son smiling

  • Cold and flu: 75% of asthma sufferers find that a cold or the flu exacerbate their asthma symptoms. Particularly in colder months when the cold and flu are more common, asthma sufferers may find this to be a top trigger. To reduce the risk of catching a cold or the flu, asthma sufferers should wash their hands frequently, follow COVID-19 guidance and get a flu vaccine.4,5

girl with a mask

  • Cold Weather: Asthma sufferers may find that their symptoms worsen in the winter because cold air is dry and can be irritating to airways. Try breathing through the nose to help warm up cold air before it passes through the throat and airways. You or your child can also wear a loose covering over the nose and mouth when going out into the cold.4

  • Exercise: There are plenty of ways for child and adult asthma sufferers to exercise safely year-round. When the weather is cold or the air quality is poor, asthma sufferers may want to opt for gentler forms of exercise like walking or swimming. Taking care to warm up and cool down for 15-20 minutes before and after exercise, as well as staying hydrated throughout, can also help mitigate symptoms.6

mother and daughter reading a book

Have a game plan    

Unfortunately, you or your child can't completely avoid every trigger. So, you should be prepared to know what to do if you or your child’s asthma symptoms starts flaring up. The doctor may advise you or your child to use an asthma rescue inhaler or another breathing treatment, such as a nebulizer. (Inhalers are small devices used to breathe medication straight into your lungs. Nebulizers are machines used to inhale medication in mist form.)

Ask the doctor for a written asthma action plan. It should outline the steps in you or your child’s asthma treatment that can help keep symptoms from getting worse. That includes both knowing asthma triggers, personal best peak flow and when to take any asthma medication you or your child may need.



1. “Mould and Damp.” Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed 16 Nov. 2020.

2. “Air Pollution and Asthma.” Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed 25 Jan. 2021.

3. "Indoor Environment.” Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed, 16. Nov. 2020.

4. “Weather”. Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed 16 Nov. 2020.

5. “Colds & Flu.” Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed 16 Nov. 2020.

6. “Asthma and Exercise.” Asthma & Allergy Network, 2020, Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

7. “Allergy to Dust Mites.” Asthma UK, 2020, Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

8. "Animals and Pets.” Asthma Uk, 2020, Accessed 17 Nov. 2020.

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